Delta @33: Asiuwhu Commends Past Leaders, Pledges Support for Governor Oborevwori’s MORE Agenda

As Delta State marks its 33rd anniversary, I, Chief Godspower Omafuvwe Asiuwhu JP, Chairman of the Delta State Taskforce on Environment, proudly join the people of Delta in celebrating this significant milestone. This day is not merely a passage of time but a testament to the resilience, unity, and progress that have defined our great state since its creation.

Since its inception in 1991, Delta State has evolved into a beacon of hope and development within Nigeria. This remarkable progress is a direct result of the vision, dedication, and tireless efforts of our past leaders, whose contributions have laid the solid foundation upon which our state thrives today. It is essential to honor these extraordinary leaders who have shaped Delta State’s destiny, transforming challenges into opportunities and paving the way for continued growth.

I extend my deepest appreciation to His Excellency, Sen. Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, the immediate past Governor of Delta State. His administration was distinguished by a steadfast focus on youth empowerment, economic development, and infrastructure. Under his leadership, Delta State witnessed unprecedented advancements in education, healthcare, and job creation. Sen. Okowa’s commitment to uplifting the youth through various empowerment initiatives has left an indelible mark on our state’s future, ensuring that our young people are equipped with the skills and opportunities they need to succeed.

Today, we are fortunate to have His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori, at the helm of our state’s affairs. Governor Oborevwori’s administration is dedicated to building on the successes of his predecessor, with a clear focus on the MORE Agenda—an agenda centered on Meaningful Development, Opportunities for all, Realistic Reforms, and Enhanced Peace and Security. This comprehensive plan is designed to propel Delta State to even greater heights, ensuring that every Deltan reaps the benefits of democracy.

Governor Oborevwori has assumed leadership with an unwavering commitment to advancing Delta State beyond the remarkable achievements of those who came before him. His leadership is defined by his deep understanding of the needs and aspirations of the people. He is a leader who listens, who acts with integrity, and who is deeply committed to the welfare of every Deltan. His focus on inclusivity, economic diversification, and infrastructural excellence is already setting new benchmarks for governance.

I have no doubt that under Governor Oborevwori’s stewardship, Delta State will experience a renaissance of development. His relentless pursuit of excellence, coupled with his compassionate approach to governance, is driving our state toward new horizons of success. Governor Oborevwori not only understands the importance of continuity but also recognizes the need for innovation and progress. His determination to build upon the legacies of the past is a testament to his commitment to strengthening and advancing the state through meaningful development.

As we celebrate Delta at 33, let us all rally behind Governor Oborevwori, confident in his ability to lead us into a future of greater prosperity, unity, and peace. His leadership is a source of pride for every Deltan, and I am certain that his tenure will be remembered as a golden era in the history of our state. I assure all Deltans that the current administration remains steadfast in its commitment to driving transformative change across the state. We will continue to prioritize infrastructure development, economic growth, and the empowerment of our youth. Together, we will build a Delta State that is not only prosperous but also inclusive, where every citizen has the opportunity to thrive.

Happy 33rd Anniversary, Delta State! May our journey of progress continue under the exemplary leadership of Governor Sheriff Oborevwori.

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